This agreement is made between you and UEEx.
Key Terms
This agreement applies to various credit cards (“Card”) issued or operated by UEEx and/or its successors and assigns (hereinafter referred to as “UEEx,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) under its credit card schemes (including but not limited to credit and/or lending services), as well as the related services provided by UEEx and/or its affiliates, subsidiaries, associated entities, and any of their branches and offices (collectively referred to as “UEEx”) to you as the cardholder.
Please read this agreement carefully before using your card. By using (including being approved and activating) your card, you are deemed to accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement applicable to your card and be bound by them. Your card usage is also subject to any additional terms and conditions implemented by UEEx from time to time. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this agreement and other terms and conditions (if any), the terms of this agreement shall prevail. Terms used in this agreement are defined at the end of this document.
Any rights and/or authority granted to UEEx under this agreement shall be supplementary to the provisions of contracts or other relationships established by other terms and conditions. You further agree and acknowledge that, notwithstanding any inconsistency, nothing in the other terms and conditions shall be construed to limit or restrict the rights and authority of UEEx under this agreement.
Your Responsibilities
- You understand and acknowledge that the issuance of the Card is based on the information you provide being true, complete, and accurate.
(a) You are responsible for the Card account and all Card transactions (including all related fees and charges). You remain liable even in the following circumstances:
- (i) You did not sign the sales slip (including transactions conducted via telephone, mail, electronically, or direct debit arrangements without a sales slip or your signature), or the signature on the sales slip differs from the signature on your Card;
- (ii) The Card transaction was not willingly conducted. You remain responsible even after the termination of your Card or this Agreement.
(b) You must not transfer your Card or PIN or allow any other person to use your Card or PIN.
(c) You must take appropriate security measures, including but not limited to the following:
- (i) Sign your Card immediately upon receipt;
- (ii) Keep your Card in a secure place and under your personal control. Treat your Card as cash;
- (iii) Record your Card number in a secure place separate from the Card;
- (iv) Remember to retrieve your Card after using an ATM;
- (v) Ensure your Card is promptly returned to you after each Card transaction;
- (vi) Memorize the PIN and destroy the notification upon receiving your assigned PIN;
- (vii) Ensure the PIN is not visible to others when being used;
- (viii) Change the PIN regularly;
- (ix) Change the PIN immediately if it is or may be exposed to others;
- (x) Do not write or keep the PIN on or near the Card. Conceal any record of the PIN;
- (xi) Avoid selecting obvious numbers as the PIN (e.g., identity card numbers, birthdates, phone numbers, or other easily accessible personal information);
- (xii) Do not use the same PIN for other services or purposes (e.g., connecting to the internet or accessing other websites);
- (xiii) Always complete the "Total" box on the sales slip and insert a currency symbol before the amount. Do not leave extra writing space;
- (xiv) Ensure only one sales slip is printed per transaction; and
- (xv) Retain the cardholder copy of each sales slip and reconcile it against your Card statement.
You agree and acknowledge that the above is not an exhaustive list of appropriate security measures for protecting your Card and PIN.
(d) You must report any loss, theft, disclosure, or unauthorized use of your Card or PIN according to Section F.
(e) If you are a primary cardholder, you must ensure that each supplementary cardholder uses and handles their Card and related matters in accordance with this Agreement. In particular, you should note that supplementary cardholders may use or enjoy certain services and benefits associated with their supplementary Card, even if you do not use or enjoy such services and benefits related to your primary Card. In such cases, you must ensure that the supplementary cardholders use or enjoy these services and benefits in accordance with this Agreement and other applicable terms and conditions governing such services and benefits (if any).
C. Credit Limit Allocation and Review
Your Card carries a credit limit for purchases and cash withdrawals. Please refer to your Card statement and/or any notification issued by UEEx to understand the applicable credit limit on your Card. You must comply with the credit limit on your Card.
We set and regularly review the credit limit. We may, at any time and at our discretion, set or revise the credit limit on your Card without prior notice. We determine the credit limit based on the credit risks associated with your Card account (including any spending and repayment patterns) and the type and value of the collateral you provided as per Clause 13(c). In essence, we retain absolute discretion to set or revise your credit limit at any time based on specific circumstances. Notably, we may reduce the credit limit (even to zero) without prior notice.
We reserve the right to set the credit limit on your Card in HKD or USD and may change the currency type of the credit limit at any time.
We may decline transactions exceeding the credit limit. However, we may also, at our discretion and without prior notice, allow such transactions unless we have received and processed your request to opt out of our over-limit service. Even with your opt-out request, certain transactions exceeding the credit limit may still be permitted ("Excluded Card Transactions"). Excluded Card Transactions include those not immediately processed or requiring no authorization for payment. Examples may include:
- (i) Automatic Octopus value-added transactions;
- (ii) Mobile or contactless payment transactions;
- (iii) Transactions approved but posted later;
- (iv) Transactions where foreign exchange rate fluctuations result in the posting amount exceeding the transaction amount;
- (v) Transactions approved by Visa or MasterCard Worldwide that may lead to exceeding the credit limit.
You will be responsible for transactions exceeding the credit limit in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, we reserve the right to decline any Card transaction (especially cash withdrawals), with or without justification. Even if the transaction is within the applicable credit limit, we may refuse it without prior notice.
D. Cash Withdrawals and Card Transactions
Subject to Clause 9 (and other provisions under Section C), the usual cash advance limit shall not exceed 90% of your available credit limit. For cash withdrawals at ATMs, the withdrawal limit will also be subject to the daily cash withdrawal limits imposed by the ATM.
We are not responsible for any merchant’s refusal to accept your Card or for any goods or services provided by the merchant. Your obligations to us under this Agreement are not affected and will not be reduced by any claims you may have against the merchant. You are responsible for resolving any disputes between you and the merchant. In particular, you and the merchant must agree on the setup, modification, or termination of any autopay or direct debit arrangement to charge your Card account. If (i) there is any dispute between you and the merchant, or (ii) the instruction is given unilaterally by any party, we have the right to decline any request to set up, modify, or terminate the arrangement.
E. Card Benefits
- We may offer different benefits for different types of Cards. We may introduce new benefits, change, or withdraw any benefits without prior notice. We reserve the right to set, exclude, or revoke any account related to Card benefits.
13. Card benefits may include the following (or any of them), depending on your Card type:
- (i) Mobile or contactless payment features;
- (ii) Rewards and privileges;
- (iii) Interest-free installment plans for purchases of goods or services from designated merchants;
- (iv) ATM access, allowing Cardholders to conduct banking transactions using their Card at designated ATMs, point-of-sale terminals, or other specified electronic means (if applicable); and
- (v) Any other benefits we may notify you of from time to time.
14. The following are additional terms governing Card benefits:
- (i) You may need to apply separately to avail of certain benefits.
- (ii) We or any merchants may impose supplementary, additional, or overriding terms and conditions on any Card benefit from time to time.
- (iii) The terms and conditions governing Card benefits specify the eligibility criteria, conditions, limitations, guidelines, or instructions applicable to the benefits.
- (iv) The terms and conditions related to Card benefits are available for review on our website or upon request at our Hong Kong office.
- (v) In the event of any inconsistency between terms and conditions related to Card benefits, the terms specific to the relevant benefit will prevail.
- (vi) Your application, usage, or assertion of rights for any benefit with us or any merchants shall be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.
F. Reporting Lost, Stolen, or Misused Cards or PINs
You should promptly report any loss, theft, disclosure, or unauthorized use of your Card or PIN. You can report a lost Card via the app or website and contact our customer service for further assistance.
If you report unauthorized transactions under this Agreement before the settlement date, we will work with relevant parties to suspend payment for the disputed amount. During our investigation, we will not charge any financial fees or interest on the disputed amount, nor will we make adverse credit reports against you.
Upon your report, we will investigate the alleged unauthorized transactions. Unless fraud on our part is proven during this investigation, our findings will be final and binding.
If our investigation concludes that you are responsible for such unauthorized use, we reserve the right to reinstate financial charges or interest on the disputed amount for the entire period, including the investigation period.
As you are responsible for ensuring the security of the Card and PIN and preventing unauthorized use, you shall be liable for such unauthorized use unless it is proven to result from our gross negligence.
Even if such unauthorized use arises from merchant and/or third-party fraud, if we have settled the transaction with the merchant, you must raise claims for such unauthorized use directly with the merchant and/or third party, not with us.
21. You are liable for all cash withdrawals and other transactions conducted through the unauthorized use of your Card or PIN until we or any Mastercard International members (if applicable) receive a report of the loss, theft, disclosure, or unauthorized use.
22. If you report the loss of your Card or PIN, we may (but are not obligated to) issue a replacement Card and/or reset the PIN. You will be responsible for any administrative and/or replacement fees we specify from time to time.
G. Card Statements
23. We may provide a monthly Card statement detailing the following and other Card-related information (including for any supplementary Card, if applicable):
- (i) The total outstanding amount on the Card account (“Statement Balance”);
- (ii) The date by which all payments must be made (“Due Date”).
If the Statement Balance reflects a credit amount, (i) and (ii) will not be displayed.
24. We have the right to send all Card statements to the Primary Cardholder, including statements related to supplementary Cards.
25. Alternatively, we may not send you a Card statement but may allow you to view your transaction records and other necessary information via the app and/or website.
26. You must promptly notify us of any unauthorized transactions displayed in any Card statement, app, or website.
- You must notify us within 60 days of receiving the statement or its appearance on the app or website and do so in a manner acceptable to us from time to time.
- If you fail to notify us within the specified timeframe, these transactions will be deemed correct, final, and binding on you, and you will be considered to have waived your right to dispute or seek redress from us.
H. Payments
27. We will notify you from time to time about the prescribed methods of payment. You must make payments accordingly, subject to our standard terms and conditions.
28. If you plan to leave Hong Kong, you should arrange to settle your Card account before departure.
29. We will immediately apply funds transferred or credited to your Card account to reduce the outstanding balance. The order of reduction is as follows:
- (i) First, all fees and charges credited to your Card account;
- (ii) Then, purchase amounts;
- (iii) Finally, any amount exceeding the Statement Balance will remain in your Card account.
30. Without affecting or limiting the above Clause 29, we reserve the right to apply funds transferred or credited to your Card account in any other order we deem appropriate, without prior notice to you.
31. If you conduct a card transaction in a currency other than HKD, we will post the transaction to your card account after converting it into HKD. The exchange rate will be determined by us based on the rate applied by Mastercard International (if applicable) on the date of conversion. We will also post to your card account a percentage of the transaction amount as a card transaction fee, along with any transaction fees charged by Mastercard International (in whole or in part). If your card is a USD card, the same arrangement applies to transactions conducted in currencies other than USD.
32. All payments to us under this agreement (including the unpaid balance, interest, fees, and charges in your card account) must be made in full. You are not allowed to deduct any amount we may owe you from your payment. If applicable laws require deductions due to taxes or other reasons, you must make up the shortfall so that we receive the full amount. If we are later required by law to refund any payment or if your card is terminated without receiving full payment, you remain liable for the outstanding amount. We reserve the right to claim as if the card had not been terminated.
33. You acknowledge that you are responsible for any required tax deductions or similar charges on amounts payable to us under applicable laws. Upon request, you must provide satisfactory evidence of compliance with such obligations. You shall indemnify us in full for any consequences arising from your failure to comply.
34. Clauses 32 through 34 shall remain effective even after your card is terminated.
35. If you fail to repay the outstanding balance, we may deduct the corresponding amount from your card account or liquidate collateral to recover the payment. You authorize UEEX to handle such liquidation and transfer the relevant amount to us as payment.
I. Fees and Charges
38. If the statement balance is fully paid by the due date, no financial charges or late fees will apply.
39. Depending on the nature of the transaction and the status of your card, you may enjoy up to 56 days of interest-free credit on purchase transactions.
40. Financial Charges
- (i) If the statement balance is not fully paid by the due date, financial charges will apply without prior notice:
- (1) On any unpaid balance from the statement date to the date we receive full payment;
- (2) On the amount of each new transaction from its date to the date we receive full payment.
- (ii) Financial charges are calculated daily and applied at a specific monthly rate. We may apply different rates for unpaid cash advances and unpaid purchase transactions.
41. If the statement balance is not fully paid, we may charge a late fee in addition to financial charges without prior notice. The late fee will be deducted from your card account on the next statement date.
42. Applicable fees include:
- (i) Over-limit handling fee: If the statement balance exceeds your credit limit, we may treat this as a request to increase your credit limit and charge a handling fee without prior notice;
- (ii) Cash advance processing fee and withdrawal fee: Charged on the date of the cash advance;
- (iii) Rejected autopay handling fee: If an autopay request is rejected, we may charge a handling fee;
- (iv) Card replacement fee: For any card replaced before its expiration date;
- (v) Retrieval fee: Charged for providing a copy of a sales slip upon request;
- (vi) Annual fee: Charged or waived for your card and any supplementary card;
- (vii) Foreign currency transaction fee: Charged in whole or in part for transactions involving non-HKD currencies.
43. We reserve the right to adjust fees and charges from time to time. All fees will be deducted from your card account and will not be waived or refunded.
J. Supplementary Card
44. As a supplementary cardholder, you are responsible for the use of the supplementary card and are subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement.
45. If you are the primary cardholder, you are responsible for the usage of your card and any supplementary cards.
We reserve the right to recover any debts (including all fees and charges) incurred by a supplementary cardholder from either the primary cardholder, the supplementary cardholder, or both. This includes but is not limited to utilizing the means outlined in Clause M to liquidate the collateral of the primary cardholder.
K. Termination of Card
46. You may terminate your card at any time.
To terminate your card, you must notify us in writing and return your card and any supplementary cards (if applicable) to us. If your card is the primary card, termination will apply to both your card and all supplementary cards (if any).
47. Supplementary cards can be terminated by the primary cardholder or the supplementary cardholder.
Termination requires written notice to us and the return of the supplementary card.
48. Upon termination, you must cut the card in half before returning it to us.
49. We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your card (primary or supplementary) at any time without prior notice or reason.
50. Post-termination:
- (i) If you are the primary cardholder, you remain liable for all debts related to your card and supplementary cards.
- (ii) If you are a supplementary cardholder, you remain liable for all debts related to your supplementary card.
51. Upon card termination, bankruptcy, or death, the following amounts must be paid immediately:
- (i) The outstanding balance on the card account.
- (ii) Any transactions not yet posted to the card account.
52. You or your estate must pay all unpaid amounts, including those resulting from arrangements set up or authorized before termination, bankruptcy, or death.
53. You are liable for any card transactions until the card is returned to us.
Primary cardholders are liable for supplementary card transactions until (i) the supplementary card is returned or (ii) lost card procedures are requested.
54. Card termination does not automatically cancel pre-authorized arrangements (e.g., auto-payments, installment plans).
L. Limitation of Liability
55. We are not liable for the following:
- (i) Delays, failures, or errors beyond our reasonable control;
- (ii) Indirect losses arising from equipment, facilities, or service failures.
56. We are not responsible for third-party acts or omissions unless they are our agents.
57. You indemnify us and our agents for losses arising from your use of our equipment, facilities, or services, even post-termination.
58. You are not liable for indemnification where losses result solely from our gross negligence or willful misconduct.
59. We may recover unpaid amounts using agents. You are responsible for associated fees.
M. Collateral, Set-Off, and Asset Transfer
60. You agree that any assets deposited with us serve as collateral for obligations under this agreement.
61. We may offset outstanding balances against any other account balances without notice.
62. We reserve the right to liquidate or transfer any collateral or assets provided to fulfill your obligations.
63. You hereby explicitly agree that any virtual assets or other types of assets stored by you on UEEx shall be pledged to us as collateral to secure your obligations under this Agreement, whether they pertain to payments or other duties. Furthermore, UEEx is irrevocably authorized to liquidate these assets to settle any or all of your liabilities to us under this Agreement. Alternatively, UEEx is authorized to transfer these assets to us to continue using them as collateral to secure your obligations under this Agreement.
64. Based on the above terms, if you fail to provide sufficient virtual assets or other types of assets as collateral for the issuance or maintenance of a credit card, we may reject your credit card application, suspend the use of the credit card, or adjust your credit limit to zero.
N. Changes to Terms and Conditions
65. We reserve the right to adjust the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including interest rates, finance charges, or other fees, at any time. We will notify you of these changes as soon as possible, in a manner we deem appropriate. You must return your card and fully settle all outstanding balances before the changes take effect; otherwise, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes. Moreover, your continued use of the credit card, supplementary card, or any service (whether or not affected by the changes) will be considered as your explicit agreement to the changes.
O. Collection and Disclosure of Your Information
66. The terms used in this Section O are defined as follows. If any terms used in this section are not defined below, they shall be interpreted as defined at the end of this Agreement:
- Authorities: Refers to any local or foreign judicial, administrative, public, or regulatory authorities, governments, tax authorities, securities or futures exchanges, courts, central banks, or law enforcement agencies, industry self-regulatory organizations, financial service provider associations, or their agents, with jurisdiction over any part of the UEEx Group.
- Compliance Obligations: Refers to laws, international guidelines, internal policies or procedures, requests by authorities, or obligations under applicable law, including obligations requiring the UEEx Group to verify customer identity.
- Associated Person(s): Refers to any individual or entity, other than you, whose information (including personal data or tax information) is provided to the UEEx Group by you or on your behalf or is otherwise received by the UEEx Group in connection with providing services. This may include guarantors, directors, officers, shareholders, beneficiaries, or other individuals or entities connected to your relationship with the UEEx Group.
- Controller: Refers to any individual exercising control over an entity. For trusts, this includes settlors, trustees, protectors, beneficiaries, or any individual with ultimate effective control. For non-trust entities, this includes individuals in equivalent or similar positions of control.
- Financial Crime: Refers to money laundering, terrorism financing, bribery, corruption, tax evasion, fraud, avoidance of economic or trade sanctions, or any acts attempting to circumvent or violate relevant laws.
- Financial Crime Risk Management Activity: Refers to any action taken by us or members of the UEEx Group related to the detection, investigation, or prevention of financial crimes in compliance with legal obligations.
- Laws: Includes any local or foreign laws, regulations, judgments, court orders, voluntary codes, sanctions, treaties, or guidelines applicable to us or the UEEx Group.
- Personal Data: Refers to any information related to an identifiable individual.
- Services: Includes:
(a) Opening, maintaining, closing, and terminating your account or card (including supplementary cards);
(b) Providing credit facilities and other products and services, including custody services, processing applications, credit and eligibility assessments;
(c) Maintaining our overall relationship with you, including marketing services or products to you, conducting market research, insurance, audit, and administrative purposes. - Substantial Owners: Refers to individuals entitled to more than 10% of the profits or equity interests in an entity, held directly or indirectly.
- Tax Authorities: Refers to tax, revenue, or monetary authorities in Hong Kong or other jurisdictions.
- Tax Information: Refers to documents or information about your or your associated person's tax status.
- Your Information: Refers to any or all of the following related to you or associated persons, as applicable:
(i) Personal data;
(ii) Information regarding your account, card (including supplementary cards), transactions, and use of our products and services;
(iii) Tax information.
Reference to singular includes plural (and vice versa).
67. This section explains how we use information related to you and associated persons. The applicable Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Notice (formerly known as Notice Relating to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) (“Notice”) also contains important details about how we and the UEEx Group use such information. You should read this section in conjunction with the Notice. We and members of the UEEx Group may use your information as described in this section and the Notice.
Your information will not be disclosed to any parties (including members of the UEEx Group) unless:
(i) We are legally obligated to disclose it;
(ii) We have a public disclosure obligation;
(iii) It is necessary for reasonable business purposes;
(iv) Disclosure is with the consent of the data subject;
(v) Disclosure is made in the manner described in this section or the Notice.
68. Collection of Information
We and other members of the UEEx Group may collect, use, and share your information. Your information may be requested by us, on our behalf, or by the UEEx Group and may be collected directly from you, persons acting on your behalf, or other sources (including publicly available information). It may also be combined with other information available to us or the UEEx Group.
69. Use – We and members of the UEEx Group may use, transfer, and disclose your information in the following circumstances: (1) in connection with the purposes listed in this Section O, (2) in the manner outlined in the Notice (for personal data), and (3) in connection with purposes related to matching data held by us or the UEEx Group (whether or not such actions may lead to adverse actions against you). Points (1) to (3) are collectively referred to as the "Purposes."
70. Sharing – We may (as necessary and appropriate for the Purposes) transfer and disclose your information to recipients specified in the Notice (who may also use such information for the Purposes).
71. You agree to promptly, and in any case within 30 days, notify us in writing of any changes to the information you or the UEEx Group members have provided to us, and to promptly respond to any requests from us or members of the UEEx Group for your information.
72. You acknowledge that you have (or at the relevant time will) notify any associated persons who provide information to us or any member of the UEEx Group on your behalf (including personal data or tax information) and agree to process, disclose, and transfer their information as outlined in this Section O and the Notice (which may be amended or supplemented by us from time to time). You must inform such associated persons that they have the right to access and correct their personal data.
73. You agree and shall take all necessary measures, in accordance with applicable data protection or confidentiality laws, to allow us to use, store, disclose, process, and transfer your information as described in this Agreement. If you fail to comply with the obligations outlined in Sections 72 and 73, you agree to promptly notify us in writing.
74. If:
(a) You or any associated person fail to provide the requested information in a timely manner;
(b) You or any associated person refuse or withdraw consent for us to process, transfer, or disclose your information (except for marketing or promotional purposes); or
(c) We or members of the UEEx Group suspect financial crime or related risks, we may:
(i) Be unable to provide new or continued services to you, and we reserve the right to terminate our relationship with you;
(ii) Take necessary actions to fulfill our compliance obligations; and
(iii) Suspend, block, transfer, close, or terminate your account or card (including supplementary cards) (as permitted by local law).
75. Furthermore, if you fail to promptly provide tax information and the related declarations, exemptions, and consents for you or any associated person, we may assess the tax status of you or your associated persons, including whether tax authorities require reporting, and may request that we or others withhold amounts as required by tax authorities and remit such amounts to the appropriate tax authority.
P. Financial Crime Risk Management Activities
76. Financial crime risk management activities may include:
(A) Screening, intercepting, and investigating any instructions, communications, withdrawal requests, service applications, or payments sent to you or on your behalf, or by you or on your behalf;
(B) Investigating the source of funds or intended recipients;
(C) Combining your information with other relevant information held by the UEEx Group; and
(D) Further inquiries regarding individuals or entities, regardless of whether they are subject to sanctions, or confirming the identity and status of you or your associated persons.
77. Financial crime risk management activities may lead to delays, blocking, or refusal to clear any payments, processing of your instructions or service applications, or the provision of all or part of services. To the extent permitted by law, we and any member of the UEEx Group will not be liable for any loss (howsoever arising) suffered by you or third parties as a result of financial crime risk management activities.
Q. Tax Compliance
78. You acknowledge and warrant that you and each associated person are solely responsible for understanding and complying with your tax obligations (including the payment of all relevant taxes, filing of returns, or submitting related documents) in all jurisdictions, in relation to the opening and use of accounts or services provided by us or the UEEx Group. Some countries may have tax laws with extraterritorial effect, regardless of where the associated person or you reside, are domiciled, are citizens, or are incorporated. We or the UEEx Group do not provide tax advice. You should seek independent legal and tax advice. We and the UEEx Group will not be responsible for your tax obligations in any jurisdiction, including those related to the opening and use of accounts, cards (including supplementary cards), and services provided by us or the UEEx Group.
R. Miscellaneous
79. If any provision of this Agreement conflicts with or is inconsistent with the provisions in any other service, product, business relationship, account, or agreement between you and us, the provisions of this Agreement shall take precedence.
80. If any part of this Agreement becomes illegal, invalid, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, it will not affect or impair the legality, validity, or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction, nor will it affect or impair the legality, validity, or enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement in that jurisdiction.
S. Continuation After Termination
81. The provisions of this Agreement will continue to apply even if you or we or any member of the UEEx Group terminate the provision of any services, close any of your accounts, or terminate any of your cards (including any supplementary cards).
T. General Matters
82. Your card remains our property. We have the right to request that you return it to us.
83. If you change your employment or contact details (including address, phone number, email address, or fax number), you should promptly notify us. Such notifications should be provided in a manner we accept from time to time.
- During the provision of services, we may record any verbal instructions you receive and any other verbal communications between us.
- We have the right to destroy any documents related to your card account after microfilming or scanning them.
- Unless otherwise specified by us, you will be deemed to have received any notice issued by us:
(i) when delivered in person or left at your last notified address (if delivered personally);
(ii) if the address is in Hong Kong, within 48 hours after sending it to the above address, or if the address is outside Hong Kong, within 7 days after sending (if sent by mail);
(iii) immediately after sending it to your last notified email address (if sent by email);
(iv) immediately after sending it to your last notified mobile phone number (if sent by mobile message);
(v) immediately popped up on the app and/or website, and after you click "ok," "accept," or similar buttons (if popped up through the app and/or website). - You must not use your card for any illegal gambling or other transactions according to applicable laws. If we suspect, believe, or know that any card transaction or transaction related to a card is illegal, we have the right to
(i) refuse to process or pay that card transaction, or
(ii) cancel, revoke, or reverse that card transaction. - Unless otherwise specified by us, no one other than you and us shall have any rights under the Contracts (Third Party Rights) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy any provisions of this Agreement.
- Notwithstanding any contrary provision in this Agreement, both parties agree that they intend to confer rights on UEEx as a third-party beneficiary under the Contracts (Third Party Rights) Ordinance. Therefore, UEEx shall have the right to directly enforce any terms of this Agreement against you as if UEEx were a party to this Agreement. This enforcement includes but is not limited to canceling, reversing, or withdrawing any card transaction and providing you with notices or undertakings under Section 22 ("Your Rights and Responsibilities") of this Agreement.
- If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a competent court, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force. Where possible, invalid or unenforceable provisions shall be replaced by valid and enforceable provisions that reflect the intent of the original provisions as closely as possible.
- This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.
- You agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.
- In case of any inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. Any Chinese version is for reference only.
U. Definitions
Additional Cardholder means any person or each person to whom we issue an additional credit card.
Agreement refers to this credit cardholder agreement, which may be revised from time to time.
APP refers to the software application designed, operated, and/or maintained by UEEx and/or UEEx for running on mobile devices, providing functions or services to you and/or the cardholder from time to time.
Applicable Laws mean any laws, regulations, court orders, or any rules, guidelines, notifications, or restrictions (whether legally binding or not) issued by any regulatory body, government agency (including tax authorities), or self-regulatory organization, that we or you are required to comply with, whether in Hong Kong or abroad.
ATM refers to an Automated Teller Machine.
Authority refers to any regulatory body, government agency (including tax authorities), settlement or clearing bank, or exchange.
Credit Card means any credit card we issue from time to time.
Card Account refers to the account established in connection with a credit card to record credit card transactions and other items.
Card Transaction means each transaction (including cash advances) made using your credit card or Personal Identification Number (PIN).
Cash Advance means withdrawing cash from your credit card account, including any funds balance in the account.
Exclusion of Card Transaction is defined in Clause 10.
Hong Kong refers to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
UEEx Group refers to UEEx and its affiliates, subsidiaries, associated entities, and its branches and offices (collectively or individually), with the same meaning for UEEx Group members.
Due Payment Date is defined in Clause 26.
Personal Identification Number (PIN) means the personal identification number or any code or number we use to identify you when using the credit card or any other services (if applicable).
Website refers to the websites established, operated, and/or maintained by UEEx and/or UEEx from time to time.
You or Your means the person to whom we issue the credit card (whether primary cardholder or supplementary cardholder).
Thank you for your support of UEEx!
UEEx Team
December 2, 2024
UEEx has always placed great importance on compliance obligations and strictly adheres to the relevant requirements of regulatory authorities worldwide. Please comply with the applicable laws and regulations in your country or region.
UEEx reserves the right to modify, change, or cancel this notice at any time at its sole discretion without prior notice.
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